Informal logical fallacies : a brief guide
BF175.5.P75 K37 2012
Scared sick : the role of childhood trauma in adult disease
BJ1533.F2 A86 2013
Against fairness
BP52 .C85 2012
CT275.C383 A3 2013
Bird of paradise : how I became Latina
DS357.5 .B37 2010
Afghanistan : a cultural and political history
DU28.3 .M34 2012
Pacific worlds : a history of seas, peoples, and cultures
E184.A75 D42 2009
Itchy brown girl seeks employment
E184.S75 C6818 2013
Cuenta conmigo : conmovedoras historias de hermandad y amistades incondicionales
E185.62 .F37 2011
Mixing races : from scientific racism to modern evolutionary ideas
E302.5 B47 2009
The Founding Fathers reconsidered
E540.C47 C45 2012
Children and youth during the Civil War era
E895 .A74 2012
Does the world hate the US?
F864 .O85 1996
The history of Alta California : a memoir of Mexican California
GV716 .A73 2013
Are players' unions good for professional sports leagues?
GV1623 .G89 2012
Underground dance masters : final history of a forgotten era
GV 1782 D35
Dance : the art of production
HA35 .T47 2012
Statistics translated : a step-by-step guide to analyzing and interpreting data
HB3743 .A72 2013
Are government bailouts effective?
HC60 .A74 2013
Is foreign aid necessary?
HD5724 .B535 2012
Where did the jobs go-- and how do we get them back? : your guided tour to America's employment crisis
HF3837 .C425 2012
Selling to China : a guide to doing business in China for small- and medium-sized companies
HF5387 D38 2012
Ethics of big data
HF5415.1255 K37 2012
Breakthrough branding : how smart entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs transform a small idea into a big brand
HF5415.1265 .K33 2013
The zen of social media marketing : an easier way to build credibility, generate buzz, and increase revenue
HF5415.2 W454 2012
The entrepreneur's guide to market research
HF5548.32 B485 2013
HF5691 G655 2009
Barron's E-Z business mathematics
HJ4120 .P67112 2010
The property tax and local autonomy
HM291 G6 1990
The presentation of self in everyday life
HQ75.27 .C87 2013
Gay parenting
HQ814 .T79 2011
The truth about divorce
HQ1180 .S58 2013
Women's studies : the basics
HQ1190 .H67 2000
Feminism is for everybody : passionate politics
HQ1219 .W65 2002
The beauty myth : how images of beauty are used against women
HV5135 .V36 2011
Getting wasted : why college students drink too much and party so hard
HV6250.4 W65 G655 2012
The femicide machine
HV6452.C3 V3 2010
Bandido : the life and times of Tiburcio Vasquez
J80 .A283
Public papers of the Presidents of the United States, George W. Bush : 2001-
JV6483 .P86 2012
Punishing immigrants : policy, politics, and injustice
KF750.Z9 C85 2010
Get it together : organize your records so your family won't have to
KF4757 .B58 2003
The case for Black reparations
LB1027.5 .N727 2010
Students helping students : a guide for peer educators on college campuses
LB1028.3 B26 2012 Teaching naked : how moving technology out of your college classroom will improve student learning
LB1044.87 .L439 2010
Creating a sense of presence in online teaching : how to "be there" for distance learners
LB1044.87 P338 2011
The excellent online Instructor : strategies for professional development
LB2328 .N4 v.158
Applied and workforce baccalaureates
LB2328 .N4 v.159
Leading for the future : alignment of AACC competencies with practice
LB2336 L54 2012
Grant seeking in higher education : strategies and tools for college faculty
LC67.6 .U55 2012
Universities and colleges as economic drivers : measuring higher education's role in economic development
M108 E77 2008
Essential songs for alto sax.
ML3506 .G54 2011
The history of jazz
ML3521 .G56 2008
Delta blues : the life and times of the Mississippi Masters who revolutionized American music
N6763 .W43 2012
Anglo-Saxon art : a new history
P306 .R59 2012
Becoming a translator : an introduction to the theory and practice of translation
PE1404.W94 2008
Steps to writing well : with additional readings.
PL733.8 .G4313 2012
101 modern Japanese poems
PL850.K8 K813 2012
Flowers of grass
PL852.O77 P8713 2011
PL853.K45 M3713 2012
The Navidad incident : the downfall of Matías Guili
PL862.A77 H5313 2012
Frozen dreams : based on a true story
PL862.O38 N313 2012
Building waves
PL870.R85 B4713 2012
Belka, why don't you bark?
PL1735 .Y84 1973
A guide to Cantonese (self-taught)
PN1995.9.N4 M283 2007
Every step a struggle : interviews with seven who shaped the African-American image in movies
PN2091.S8 C32 1994
Backstage handbook : an illustrated almanac of technical information
PN2091.S8 H255 2012
The prop building guidebook : for theatre, film, and tv
PN 2091 S8 R36 1990
Stock scenery construction handbook
PN2318.I54 A54 2007
Pedro Infante : medio siglo de idolatría
PQ 7296 J6 R413 1982
A woman of genius : the intellectual autobiography of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz.
PQ7797.C7145 R3 2010
Rayuela /
PQ9698.13.O3546 A4518 1994
El alquimista : una fàbula para seguir tus sueños
PS572.S3 S26 2012-13
The San Diego poetry annual
PS3557.A8449 D47 2005
Desert blood : the Juárez murders
PS3602.E6565 R86 2012
Running the rift : a novel
Q180.55.M67 M49 2012
Prize fight : the race and the rivalry to be the first in science
QA76.17 C467 2012
Computing : a concise history
QA76.17 .M668 2012
Pioneers of the computer age : from Charles Babbage to Steve Jobs
QA76.585 .A74 2013
Technology and the cloud
QA76.76.A65 G86 2012
Android apps security
QA76.76.A65 M43 2012
Programming Android
QA76.9.D343 R87 2011
Mining the social web
QA76.9.D343 W58 2011
Data mining : practical machine learning tools and techniques
QA152 S88 2010
Elementary and intermediate algebra.
QB643 .H83 2011
Exploring Mars : chronicles from a decade of discovery
QC903 .M36 2012
The hockey stick and the climate wars : dispatches from the front lines
QC903 .S86 2012
The city and the coming climate : climate change in the places we live
QD21 .B69 2012
African American women chemists
QH541.15.B56 C87 2013
QH588.S83 S58 2012
Stem cells : a very short introduction
QL933 .B27 2011
Beyond the brain : how body and environment shape animal and human minds
QP425 .L63 2012
Sleep : a very short introduction
QP509 .T3513 2011
The manga guide to biochemistry
R123 .C43 2011
The language of medicine
R123 .M394 2009
Medical terminology made incredibly easy!
R737 .S65 2009
The mindful medical student : a psychiatrist's guide to staying who you are while becoming who you want to be
R838.4 .B76 2011
Getting into medical school : the premedical student's guidebook
RA781 M64 2006
Age-defying fitness : making the most of your body for the rest of your life
RA781 W42 2010
Fitness professional's guide to strength training older adults
RA781.63 K56 2004
Stretching for 50+
RA781.7 .B757 2012
The science of yoga : the risks and the rewards
RA785 B48 2000
The relaxation response
RA1250 .N46 2007
Handbook of poisonous and injurious plants
RB38.2 .M345 2012
Saunders nursing guide to laboratory and diagnostic tests
RC280.P7 M32 2009
Prostate and cancer : a family guide to diagnosis, treatment and survival
RC281.C4 B73 2010
Children with cancer : a reference guide for parents
RC504 .G7
The Technique and practice of psychoanalysis
RC552.P67 K75 2012
Post-traumatic stress disorder
RC553.A88 S55 2012
Understanding autism : parents, doctors, and the history of a disorder
RD563 .R587 2011
The foot book : a complete guide to healthy feet
RJ102 .A87 2011
At risk : Latino children's health
S494.5.U72 C63 2012
Food and the city : urban agriculture and the new food revolution
TK5105.888 .C486 2009
Universal design for web applications
TK9008 .C87 2013
Nuclear power
TL789.85.G3 J46 2012
The cosmonaut who couldn't stop smiling : the life and legend of Yuri Gagarin
TR140.C78 L67 1993
Imogen Cunningham : ideas without end : a life in photographs
TR675 C66 2005
Edward Weston, the form of the nude
TX360.U6 L47 2012
Fear of food : a history of why we worry about what we eat
VG87 .O94 2012
No easy day : the autobiography of a Navy SEAL : the firsthand account of the mission that killed Osama Bin Laden
Z678 .C35 2007
Library 2.0 : a guide to participatory library service
ZA3075 .M33 2012
How to find out anything : from extreme Google searches to scouring government documents, a guide to uncovering anything about everyone and everything
Leisure Reading 3336
El juego del ángel
Leisure Reading 3337
Getting past your breakup : how to turn a devastating loss into the best thing that ever happened to you
Leisure Reading 3338
The Jefferson key : a novel /
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Maypole, Central Park, circa 1910 |