New Books - May 16, 2007
These books are available for check out and will be on display in the new book area until June 1, 2007.
The funny thing is---
DeGeneres, Ellen
The partly cloudy patriot.
Vowell, Sarah
Assassination vacation.
Vowell, Sarah
BF575.A86.M47 2006
Understanding attachment: parenting, child care, and emotional development.
Mercer, Jean
BF637.V47.H67 1997
Tongue fu!
Horn, Sam
DA690.B8.M26 1972
Bristol in the eighteenth century.
McGrath, Patrick
F869.M67.G38 1984
Modesto: images of yesterday, images of today.
Gauvreau, Robert
GV1588.3.N34 2001
Choreography and the specific image: nineteen essays and a workbook.
Nagrin, Daniel
GV1788.H35 2004
Ballet basics.
Hammond, Sandra Noll
GV706.3.E86 2007
Ethics in sport.
Morgan, William J.
GV706.4.S667 2005
The sport psych handbook.
Murphy, Shane
HD57.7.B874 2001
Clear leadership: how outstanding leaders make themselves understood, cut through the mush, and help everyone get real at work.
Bushe, Gervase R.
HD57.7.C645 2001
Good to great: why some companies make the leap--and others don't.
Collins, James C.
HF5549.5.M6.G658 2002
Rude awakenings: overcoming the civility crisis in the workplace.
Gonthier, Giovinella
HM1033.G53 2002
The tipping point: how little things can make a big difference.
Gladwell, Malcolm
JQ1828.A98.H6264 2005
Hizbullah: the story from within.
Qāsim, Na'īm
KF4166.C37 2005
Title IX.
Carpenter, Linda Jean
KFC357.C55.M36 2006
How to form your own California corporation. + CD-ROM.
Mancuso, Anthony
LB2397.T2 1993
Taking charge of my life: personal essays by today's college students.
Townsend Press
M1838.G5.K665 1997
African drum music: Kpanlogo.
Kongo, Zabana
ML3477.J46 2005
Classic American popular song: the second half-century, 1950-2000
Jennes, David
N6537.M39622.A4 1999
David Maxim: unseen pictures, 1988-1996.
Maxim, David
PN1661.S75 1996
The complete book of scriptwriting.
Straczynski, J. Michael
PN1990.9.A54.H9 1998
Television and radio announcing.
Hyde, Stuart Wallace
PN1997.A1.B364 1986
Best American screen-plays…: complete screenplays.
Thomas, Sam
PN1997.A1.B364 1990
Best American screenplays 2: complete screenplays.
Thomas, Sam
PN2053.B525 1991
Contemporary stage directing..
Black, George
PN2053.C54 1972
On directing.
Clurman, Harold
PN2053.O44 1987
The director as artist: play direction today.
O'Neill, R. H.
PN2061.B55 1949
Acting: the first six lessons.
Boleslavsky, Richard
PN2061.H33 1990
Acting with style.
Harrop, John
PN2062.S67 1961
Creating a role.
Stanislavsky, Konstantin
PN2071.F5.H6 1980
Stage combat: "the action to the word".
Hobbs, William
PN2071.P78.T74 1983
Stagefright: letting it work for you.
Triplett, Robert
PS3545.H16.Z695 2007
Edith Wharton.
Lee, Hermoine
PS3555.P5.I23 2006
I feel bad about my neck: and other thoughts on being a woman.
Ephron, Nora
PS3563.A4345.S63 1998
The Spanish Prisoner; and , The Winslow boy: two screenplays
Mamet, David
QA76.9.C66.T875 2006
From counterculture to cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the whole Earth Network, and the rise of digital utopianism.
Turner, Fred
QC981.8.C5.D69 2006
The atlas of climate change: mapping the world's greatest challenge.
Dow, Kirstin
QE721.2.E97.W384 2007
Under a green sky: global warming, the mass extinctions of the past, and what they mean for our future.
Ward, Peter Douglas
QH447.J22 1995
Epigenetic inheritance and evolution: the Lamarckian dimension.
Jablonka, Eva
RA997.H357 2006
Maltreatment of patients in nursing homes: there is no safe place.
Harris, Diana K.
RC552.E18.L58 2007
Gaining: the truth about life after eating disorders.
Liu, Aimee
RC889.M345 2007
Impotence: a cultural history.
McLaren, Angus
RD119.E85 2007
More than skin deep: exploring the real reasons why women go under the knife.
Eskenazi, Loren
RG133.5.M86 2007
Everything conceivable: how assisted reproduction is changing men, women, and the world.
Mundy, Liza
TP248.215.G73 2006
Biotechnology unzipped: promises and realities.
Grace, Eric S.
TX361.A8.K595 2007
Power eating.
Kleiner, Susan M.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
New Books - 5/1/07
These books are available for check out and will be on display in the new book area until May 15, 2007.
These books are available for check out and will be on display in the new book area until May 15, 2007.
3002 | The navigation log: a novel. |
3003 | Shadow of the raven. |
3004 | Lions don't eat us. |
3005 | Pimps, hos, playa hatas, and all the rest of my Hollywood friends: my life. |
BP173.4.H5813 2006 | The caged virgin: an emancipation proclamation for women and Islam. |
BT745.B37 2006 | Subverting the power of prejudice: resources for individual and social change. |
CB158.O77 2007 | The future of everything: the science of prediction. |
D769.T42 2000 | Double victory: a multicultural history of America in World war II. |
E169.12.J46 2007 | The wow climax: tracing the emotional impact of popular culture. |
E185.61.S6144 2004 | Black is a country: race and the unfinished struggle for democracy. |
E185.615.J68 2006 | Wating 'til the midnight hour: a narrative history of Black power in America. |
E185.615.O33 2005 | Black power: radical politics and African American identity. |
E185.97.K5.J34 2007 | From civil rights to human rights: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the struggle for economic justice. |
F1414.2.L329 2006 | Latin Americn posters: public aesthetics and mass politics. |
F869.S39.F46 2006 | The oracles: my Filipino grandparents in America. |
GN799.W66.A36 2007 | The invisible sex: uncovering the true roles of women in prehistory. |
GV1114.65.S67 2004 | Complete kickboxing: the fighter's ultimate guide to techniques, concepts, and strategy for sparring and competition. |
GV1137.6.H38 2004 | Boxing mastery: advanced technique, tactics and strategies from the sweet science. |
GV865.A1.J34 2007 | Carrying jackie's torch: the players who integrated baseball--and America. |
GV939.T78.A3 2006 c.2 | Alone in the trenches: my life as a gay man in the NFL. |
HC140.P6.P483 2006 | Progress against poverty: sustaining Mexico's Progresa-Oportunidades program. |
HC59.15.S733 2007 | State of the world 2007: our urban future: a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society. |
HD6054.4.U6.B73 2007 | No seat at the table: how corporate governance and law keep women out of the boardroom. |
HF5387.M3818 2005 | Etica : la única regla para tomar decisiones. |
HQ1206.K475 2006 | The female thing: dirt, sex, envy, vulnerability. |
HQ814.B35 2007 | Calling it quits: late-life divorce and starting over. |
HV6773.B633 2006 | The dark side of the Internet: protecting yourself and your family from online criminals. |
KF4302.B74 1995 | Clause by clause: the screenwriter's legal guide. |
LB2328.N4 v.137 | Rural community colleges: teaching, learning, and leading in the heartland. |
LB3013.3.M355 2007 | School bullying: tools for avoiding harm and liability. |
LB3013.32.T46 2006 | Violence in America's schools: understanding, prevention, and responses. |
ND553.D25.A4 2005 | Jacques-Louis David: empire to exile. |
P94.5.A372.U55 2001 | The Black image in the white mind: media and race in America. |
PC1112.P49 2006 | Basic Italian: a grammar and workbook. |
PC1129.E5.P76 2005 | Modern Italian grammar: a practical guide. |
PC4099.S65 2003 | English grammar for students of Spanish: the study guide for those learning Spanish. |
PC4112.A76 2006 | Basic Spanish: a grammar and workbook. |
PE1112.N45 2001 | English: an essential grammar. |
PN1661.P54 1940 | The thirty-six dramatic situations. |
PN1995.9.A26.B58 c.2 | Working actors: the craft of television, film, and stage performance. |
PN2055.C57 1998 | Acting professionally: raw facts about careers in acting. |
PN2061.A22 1987 | Active acting: exercises and improvisations leading to performance. |
PN2061.A35 1988 | The technique of acting. |
PN2061.B39 1990 | The actor at work. |
PN2061.E68 1996 | Basic acting: the modular acting process. |
PN2071.A92.H37 1992 | How to audition for movies and TV. |
PN4145.P47 1975 | Readers theatre. |
PS3561.O87.G42 2006 | The gods of rapture: poems in the erotic mood. |
PS3613.I5384.D75 2007 | Drift: a novel. |
PS572.S3.S86 2005 | Sunshine/noir: writing from San Diego and Tijuana. |
PZ7.B91527.H86 2007 | Hurry! Hurry! |
PZ7.D78325.C55 2006 | Copper sun. |
PZ7.K678337.A53 2006 | American born Chinese. |
PZ7.P27565.H33 2006 | The higher power of Lucky. |
PZ7.W4117.M47 2006 | Moses: when Harriet Tubman led her people to freedom. |
PZ8.3.H871.S22 2007 | A second is a hiccup: a child's book of time. |
PZ8.3.M355 2006 | Gone wild: an endangered animal alphabet. |
QA273.O46 2007 | Probabilities: the little numbers that rule our lives. |
QA76.76.O63 G564 2002 | Windows user's guide to DOS: using the command line in Windows 2000 Professional. + Disk. |
QA76.76.O63.G5642 2002 | Windows 2000 Professional command line. + Disk. |
QB68.B47 2004 | Smithsonian intimate guide to the cosmos: visualizing the new realities of space. |
QB843.B55.T97 2007 | Death by black hole: and other cosmic quandaries. |
QC879.8.A86 1985 | Atmospheric carbon dioxide and the global carbon cycle. |
QC879.8.G55 2004 | The global carbon cycle: integrating humans, climate, and the natural world. |
QD31.2.S12 2007 | An introduction to chemistry for biology students. |
QE732.F73 2006 | Dawn of the dinosaurs: life in the Triassic. |
QH105.C2.F57 2006 | Fire in California's ecosystems. |
QH371.W45 2006 | Deep ancestry: inside the Genographic Project. |
QH456.G58 2006 | Mismatch: why our world no longer fits our bodies. |
QH582.4.P36 2005 | The cell: evolution of the first organism. |
QH75.G58 2007 | The sixth extinction: journeys among the lost and left behind. |
QK658.K47 2006 | Pollen: the hidden sexuality of flowers. |
QL125.5.D44 2007 | The deep. |
QL473.M34 2006 | Insects: their natural history and diversity: with a photographic guide to insects of eastern North America. |
QL666.C547.D63 2002 | North American box turtles: a natural history. |
QL737.C23.P295 2006 | Tigers in red weather: a quest for the last wild tigers. |
QL785.27.B45 2007 | The emotional lives of animals: a leading scientist explores animal joy, sorrow, and empathy--and why they matter. |
RA1213.B53 2007 | How everyday products make people sick: toxins at home and in the workplace. |
RA782.L377 2005 | Human technology: a toolkit for authentic living. [c.1-HEC, c.2 Main Campus.] |
RC262.P35 2005 | Cancer: the role of genes, lifestyle, and environment. |
SB117.K47 2006 | Seeds: time capsules of life. |
SB63.M22.A3 2006 | Unbowed: a memoir. |
TK7881.4. O97 2005 | The recording engineer's handbook. |
TK7881.4.E82 2007 | Critical listening skills for audio professionals. + CD-ROM. |
TL1075.B45 2007 | Fly me to the moon: an insider's guide to the new science of space travel. |
TR650.P493 2000 | The photography book. |
TR721.H85 2006 -- Oversize | One planet: a celebration of biodiversity. |
TX763.P5 1994 c.2 | Pillsbury Healthy-baking: fresh approaches to more than 200 favorite recipies. |
U408.5.H69 2003 | Barron's how to prepare for the ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. + CD-ROM |
Z665.2.U6.W49 2006 | The whole library handbook 4: current data, professional advice, and curiosa about libraries and library services. |
Z679.7.T45 2004 | The library's crisis communications planner: a PR guide for handling every emergency. |
Z682.35.V62.K36 2003 | Straight from the stacks : a firsthand guide to careers in library and information science. |
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